
Robby Myer delivers advancements in performance and trends seen everyday in architect offices and on job sites in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Innovations in Door Pockets

Pocket doors are great for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the simple magic of a door disappearing into a wall. Space saving and efficient, they’re gaining in popularity. But, they are always a challenge on site, and sometimes… a nightmare. I review three of the best units on the market, and tell you why. As well as a new product that allows the top of the door to be flush to the ceiling.

GSL Steel I Beam Door Pocket

The GSL I-Beam Pocket. We build this one ourselves in the GSL Custom Door Shop. This pocket features a vertical steel I-beam reinforcement on both sides of the pocket to laterally strengthen the throat opening. We recommend this pocket for doors over 8′ tall. It’s stout, and since we build them in house, we have flexibility to alter the design to meet other design specific needs, especially matching custom jamb details around other doors in the immediate proximity.

TruStile Pocket Door

TruStile Pocket. This one is made up of all poplar material, both solid and edge glued. Fully pocket screwed together for strength. And given it’s a product from the industry leader in designer interior doors, TruStile, you know it’s engineered to the highest quality and brings the best value.

CavitySliders Pocket Door

CavitySliders Pocket. This pocket is made up entirely of aluminum extrusions. In heights 6′-8″ and 8′-0″ and widths up to 48″ it is shipped knocked down and assembled on-site. It features wood stops attached with splines that make it easy to access the roller carrier above the door if adjustments are ever needed. It has squaring blocks in the corners to insure a square assembly.

More info:

About Robby Myer

I evaluate hundreds of product from leading manufactures. I apply my experience as a builder, installer, and 25 years in the building industry to filter out all the marketing bs and copycat products to deliver only real advancements in performance and trends I see everyday in architect offices and on job sites in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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