Brand Resources

All the resources you need, all in one place, to help serve our partnership now and in the years ahead.

Brand Guidelines

Tools and instruction that demonstrate best practices for using the new brand element.


Download the Golden State Lumber + Showroom logo in various formats including PNG, JPG, and PDF.

Vendor Page Guidelines

Instructions and specifications for Vendor Brand pages on the Golden State website

Golden State Brand FAQs

What’s changing?

Our brand logo! The purpose of this change is to give Golden State Lumber and Golden State Window & Door Design a united brand logo that encompasses both sides of the business.

What’s not changing?

  • Our commitment to you, our customers. Our brand mark continues to represent three generations of leadership and is widely recognizable throughout the Bay Area. Moving forward, the only difference will be when we are representing Golden State as a whole, we will drop the word Lumber and we will use our new Golden State logo.
  • Our website will remain
  • Our colors and font won’t be changing, just our brand logo!

When will these changes happen?

Right away. We are actively working on making these changes across our company. However, this transition may take some time so you may still see our old brand logo here and there as we continue to switch everything to Golden State.

Wait, do you still sell lumber?

Of course, and much more! We chose to simplify our brand logo in order to encompass all our offerings. You will still see Golden State Window and Door Design and Golden State Lumber and Building Materials when referring to our showrooms and specific products and services we provide.

Who can I contact to learn more?

For questions or additional logo needs, please contact us

How can we help?

Enter a keyword or short phrase to see relevant results.

Request A Quote

Existing Golden State customers can start an order here.

Fill out the form below and our experienced sales staff will contact you within 24 hours. (Please note this form can be filled out in English or Spanish. Este formulario se puede completar en ingles o español.)

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What products are you interested in?
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(Note: We require 2 business days notice.)
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Connect With Us

Fill in the form below and our experienced sales staff will contact you within 24 hours. (Please note this form can be filled out in English or Spanish. Este formulario se puede completar en ingles o español.)

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Have you done business with Golden State Lumber + Showroom before?
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